‘Slade Collins 2: In and Out of Time’ is an adventure film sequel to ‘Slade Collins and the Tree of Life.’ The stories follows a relic hunter named Slade Collins, who seems to have this incredible knack for finding himself waist deep (often times higher) in trouble. In this film Slade, in order to save the woman he loves, must travel back in time to World War II. Along with Jennifer, his long time partner, he must find his father, Rick Collins, who walked out on Slade and his mother when he was only a child. During all of this they find themselves engulfed in the plot of the evil Nazi General Balderic and his crew, who seeks to use time travel as a means of changing the outcome of the war. With time running out, the Collins boys must put aside their differences if they are to avert this Nazi plan for world domination and save the world as we know it. ‘ Slade Collins 2 : In and Out of Time’ is a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat-from its opening scene to its final climactic battle. Prepare yourselves for a grand adventure!
Slade Collins In and Out of Time Blu-ray
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